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It starts with the foundation...

28 March 2023
A large format polished porcelain panel in 600x600, 600x1200 and up to 1200x2400mm sizes.

When it comes to tiling, the importance of having a strong foundation and sub-floor cannot be overstated. A solid foundation and sub-floor ensure that your tiles are level and will not crack or shift over time. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of a strong foundation and sub-floor in tiling.

1. Prevents Cracking

A strong foundation and sub-floor prevent cracking in your tiles. If your sub-floor is weak or uneven, it can cause the tiles to crack or shift over time. A solid sub-floor provides a stable surface for your tiles, ensuring that they remain level and in place. This is the same case whether you're using porcelain floor tiles or granite tiles. It may take a bit longer to crack the granite tile with the uneven sub-floor, but it surely will still crack.

2. Increases Durability

A strong foundation and sub-floor increase the durability of your tiles. When your tiles are installed on a stable surface, they are less likely to crack or break. This means that your tiles will last longer and require less maintenance over time.

3. Provides Better Insulation

A strong foundation and sub-floor provide better insulation. This is particularly important in areas such as bathrooms, where tiles can feel cold to the touch. A solid sub-floor helps to keep the tiles warmer, making them more comfortable to walk on.

4. Makes Cleaning Easier

A strong foundation and sub-floor make cleaning your tiles easier. When your tiles are level and in place, they are less likely to collect dirt and debris in the gaps between them. This means that you can easily clean your tiles with a mop or broom, keeping them looking new for longer.

5. Enhances Aesthetics

A strong foundation and sub-floor enhance the aesthetics of your tiles. When your tiles are installed on a level surface, they look neater and more professional. This makes your space look more attractive and can increase the value of your home. Additionally, if you hate the echo or the deflection of sound i.e. high heels on your tiled floor, it may be because the tile bond coat wasn't bonded or the tiler has used incorrect methods of applying adhesive. This can affect the ambience in the room as all sounds will be amplified.

In conclusion, a strong foundation and sub-floor are essential for tiling. They prevent cracking, increase durability, provide better insulation, make cleaning easier, and enhance aesthetics. If you are planning to tile a room in your home, be sure to invest in a solid foundation and sub-floor for the best results.